Launch Excel application- File -> Options -> Add-Ins- Select "COM Add-ins" in "Manage" drop down list and click "Go." button- Select "" and click "OK" button You may need to re-enable the add-in in Excel application after installing/renewing this certificate.Install this certificate to "Trusted Publishers" of either Local Machine or Current User.Certificate file name: MicroFocusCodeSigning.cer.If Excel add-in is installed for "Anyone who uses this computer (all users)", please find the certificate in C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Addins.If Excel add-in is installed "Only for me", please find the certificate in %localappdata%\Programs\Micro Focus\Addins.If "require application add-ins to be signed by trusted publisher" option is enabled in Excel, you may need to install the publisher certificate.Install this add-in on your ALM client machine (If UAC is enabled and you want to install this add-in for all users, you will need to use "Run as administrator" option to run this installer.Refer to the ALM Microsoft Excel Add-in Guide to review additional important installation instructions.

Uninstall any previous versions of this add-in.Install Microsoft Excel on your ALM client machine.